The one with the fake Oval Office set in it. Once called the Cosmos Club (old alias of CHYOS Club) A closer look… It’s in DC too. An elite insider club where the ice cream is on tap, along with sweet’n’sour pork.
Expanded by addition of 9 women of color and annexed progressive justices from Canada, per Trudeau and the CCP. Confirmed TG justices are still post-op and will assume office as soon as they are able. They’ve given proxies to CJ Cheney. Chief Justice, Speaker of the House, and FBI director Lyn Cheney
We’re invited to pay tribute. Just make sure you approach slowly and quietly. He might be napping . You’re allowed to go right up to the glass. But don’t put any nose smudges on there. See? He’s smiling… He loves you. He really does. He really really loves you. You still here? Very probably past your bedtime too. Go home now…